Exploring Enormous Opportunities of Digital Transformation and Digital Printing

Digital fabric printing trends are becoming increasingly popular in the global fashion market. Global technological development has accelerated in response to trends. In the Western world, European production houses are looking for the latest developments in the Digital printing segment to meet the end-user’s customized demands. The grey fabric is imported into European countries, where it is printed. Significant technological advancement in the digitization of fabric printing has been made to meet these demands.
Pretreatment & finishing procedures are needed to complete the digital fabric printing process. World’s renowned machinery suppliers have gone through in-depth research & development to avoid the pretreatment & finishing process. And significant developments have already been made. New technologies have already been introduced which help avoid the pretreatment & finishing procedures so the countries from the Western world can do customized digital printing more quickly at their end to meet the fashion trends.
With digital transformation in fabric or garment printing, sustainable fabric production has become more accessible. Less or almost no water is needed to complete the digital printing process. All fabric types, like cotton, synthetic & blended cotton fabric, are being printed digitally more sustainably, ensuring the buyer’s sustainability requirements.
Even nowadays, digital transformation in fabric or direct garment printing is having a significant impact on creating new fashion trends also. DTG or Direct to Garments printing trends have already been introduced in the Western world. Customers can go to a shop & choose the design & color of the print and the shops are equipped with such developed machinery so that customized single pcs delivery from the shop is also possible instantly. And all these new and fast fashion trends are possible due to the excellent development of digital printing machinery.
As textile dyeing is associated with immense pollution, Digital printing has opened up enormous opportunities to shift the trends from Dyeing to Digital Printing. New developments in machinery are helping fashion designers think differently to think of digital printing instead of dying. News fashion trends are being developed following the enormous advantages of digital printing worldwide, especially in Europe.
Customization is another trend that can only be fulfilled with the help of digital printing. Machine manufacturers are working at the same pace to meet these customization demands. New machinery with new features is being developed to make the total fabric or garments printing process much more friendly to meet the customized demands of European consumers.
Tex SPACE Today is keeping an eye on the latest developments in the digitization of fabric or garment printing and will continue to update readers on the latest developments so that European fashion makers can use technologically developed machinery to meet the new demand for customization, sustainability, and fashion trends.